The surprisingly Dramatic role of nutrition in Mental Health and the studies that say medications for mental health conditions are not effective long term.
With regards to the best water to use avoid consuming municipal tap water because it contains chloride, chloramines, fluoride, and recycled medications.? Water in plastic bottles, though convenient can leach chemicals from the plastic into the water giving your body more toxins to expel. If you are drinking water with these types of toxins in it your body is going to stay thirsty in an effort to get you to drink more pure water to flush these toxins out. ? Pure spring water is always the best standard water to drink from containers that are made of high quality plastic that has been protected from the sun or other safe container. ?Typically plastic number 5 and 7 leach the most chemicals into our liquids.
Hydration is much more than just water.? The structure of the water an the minerals in it may matter more than we think. ?Cells cannot get water through their membrane that is is large clusters as water tends to be. ?Electrolytes and charges developed by the movement of water through rocks and surfaces can break the water into smaller clusters thus making it more readily available to you at the cellular level. ??See this conversation on Bulletproof Radio with Gerald Pollack for more information.
Plastics leech xeno estragens into water. ?In order to dampen the effects of these estragens from you body you need to be eating cruciferous vegetables on a daily basis or take a supplement HERE.
Cruciferous Vegetables – remove xeno estragens leached from plastic and sprayed on our food the easy way, without having to eat pounds of broccoli.
Water binds in very large groups called polyhedrons.? These groups of molecules are so large that they are too big to move in and out of our cells.? There is a mistaken belief that the more liquids and water you drink the more hydrated your body will become. ? As a result, many waters just pass through us and do not effectively detox our cells but rather just irrigate us.? In order for water to move in an out of cells it must be ionized or charged.? While your body has pathways to achieve this, since most of us are dehydrated most of the time there seems to be an impairment to us actually absorbing water.? Since water is not a popular biological molecule to study and certainly represents little profit potential effective hydration has not been readily studied.
People in northern climates have an increased rate of negative side effects to vaccines likely due to decreased vitamin D levels. ?To reduce the potential negative side effects, insure the person will receive sun exposure before and after the vaccines. ?Also take vitamin C before and after vaccine to neutralize toxins contained by the vaccine and produced by the pathogens. ? You may want to take a heavy metal chelator like chlorella to remove the heavy metals (mercury and aluminum) in your vaccines. ?Avoid giving vaccines in the winter or when the person is not feeling well. This site is dedicated to those finding themselves with mental impairment, Alzheimer’s, and?dementia?due to the toxins in our environment.
Watch this video to see how mercury filling give off toxic gas every time they are brushed or rubbed. HERE
Chlorella helps absorb toxic heavy metals from the body.? It is a good idea to regularly take chlorella if you have silver mercury fillings or eat fish on a regular basis.
Leaky Gut and Candida.? If you eat refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, or consume alcohol you likely have some candida overgrowth and leaky gut.? These symptoms and look and feel a lot like chronic fatigue.