Watch this video to see how mercury filling give off toxic gas every time they are brushed or rubbed. HERE
Chlorella helps absorb toxic heavy metals from the body.? It is a good idea to regularly take chlorella if you have silver mercury fillings or eat fish on a regular basis.
Expensive urine may be the cheapest health insurance and the best investment you can make in yourself. ?Invest in yourself instead of the hospitals and chemical pharmaceutical companies. ?Even worse, if you are mineral deficient and then are exposed to a toxic compound, that substance is more likely to be taken in by your body in place of the minerals that should be there. ?Lastly, if you are vitamin or mineral deficient you will always be hungry because your body will request food in the hopes you will eat something that will fulfill that deficiency.
Plenty of studies have proven that using a multivitamin does not increase your health or lifespan. ?This is because in all these studies they used rock vitamins. You cannot digest rocks or elemental minerals.? In fact doing so may worsen a mineral deficiency as the elemental mineral may require your body?s energy to expel rather than being absorbed.? Each element has hundreds of different isotopes.? For example their is only one isotope that your body can use, all others are waste or poison to your body.? By eating a vitamin or giving your baby formula that contains iron shavings is actually detrimental to iron metabolism in you body because iron shavings are a different isotope that the iron found in green leafy vegetables.? To further illustrate this, many minerals in you body are used entirely their energy.? The body uses the energy of the specific isotope of that element then discards it at waste.? The mineral itself is not needed but rather the energy of that mineral that is used as a catalyst to create compounds your body needs. ?This is obviously not the case with elements that deposit in our body like calcium, iron, or carbon, but material like iodine are just used to activate processes in our thyroid.
We must respect our body and understand it is far more complex than we understand. ?? ?That is why we need complex vitamins and specific isotopes of minerals found in plants not rocks.? To venture into the science of these isotopes see the work of Dan Nelson.? Remember, on the subconscious level your body will be a lot smarter than your conscious level will ever be.
Iodine, Thyroid support and helps remove chlorine and bromine from the body.
Just a two drops in the morning is all your body needs and will help chelate the bad chlorine and bromine that attaches to you thyroid and cause dysfunction.
Without vitamin C your body cannot build collagen which is required for all soft tissues.? A vitamin C deficiency may cause acute scurvy which may be one of the modern causes of arterial sclerosis and heart disease. We do not get plaque forming on our arteries until we have un repaired damage and inflammation to them.? Vitamin C is also the body?s primary antioxidant.? Proper vitamin C levels protect us from varicose veins.
Vitamin C acts as our master antioxidant and electron donor and as an antihistamine reducing allergic and allergen reactions.
The number 1 supplement for maintaining a healthy gut is Restore.?? Restore contains a unique molecule that allows for intracellular communication between the cells in your gut as well as the bacteria providing them with the tools to function and flourish correctly.? Most of all Restore has been found to get the tight junctions between you cells to function correctly eliminating leaky gut and the subsequent fatigue that I experienced for years after eating. Restore can be found (here).
Taking care of our second brain that is made up of our 1 trillion bacterial friends.
There are more bacteria in your body than there are cells in your body, many which create nutrients for you and allow nutrients to be absorbed.? It is believed that gut bacteria itself is able to signal you nerves and create food cravings.? Bad bacteria will create cravings for sugar or fats.? Good bacteria will create cravings for healthier foods.? Without the proper bacteria and enzymes your body will not be able to disassemble proteins like gluten which will then degrade your ability to absorb nutrients and maintain healthy digestion.
Our gut bacteria is constantly being assaulted by our modern environment.? The fluoride and chlorine in our water damage our gut bacteria, bromine in our bread kills our gut bacteria, and the antibiotics prescribed frequently by the medical community all contribute to gut bacterial dysfunction.? If this was not enough, the FDA/USDA refuse to study the mineral chelator glyphosate (roundup) which also is patented as a antibiotic.??? That’s right,? all these round up ready crops, wheat and sugar sprayed with glyphosate right before harvest leave the chemical lingering in the food and when you ingest it kills your gut bacteria.? The worry gets even worse as the EPA recently raised the amount of glyphosate residue allowable in our food supply.
Our gut bacteria performs the vital function of helping create compounds like serotonin(our happy hormone).? I am aware that most people with autism also have digestion dysfunction.? Since serotonin, our happy hormone is completely created by our gut an it is bacteria, I have not yet observed an outwardly happy person who has autism.? More on this from the Autism Research institute.
Leaky Gut and Candida.? If you eat or have ate in the past large amounts of refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, or consume alcohol you likely have some candida overgrowth and leaky gut.? These symptoms and look and feel a lot like chronic fatigue.
Grow and keep your gut bacteria healthy with plant based fibers.? If you are not getting enough fiber in you diet consider supplementing.? Yes that is paying to poop.