If I Were King

What if the kings of old never went way? ?What if they decided it was beneficial to step back from the public view and have accomplices motivate and manage their subjects on a day to day basis?

If I were king, I would want to disappear back into the masses, tired of the royal attention (and risks) and would be longing to enjoy the simpler things of life. ?I would want have subjects, ones that would be highly motivated, productive, and inventive. ? If I were king, I would never go away, or at least have a plan to pass on my power or influence, and actually not burden my progeny with the title of king. ?Currently my subjects lack education, motivation and are extremely unproductive even though have have given them most of the land around my moat.

What I really need is three accomplices to create my dream kingdom, one where I can step back from the spotlight and watch my subjects become wildly productive and my kingdom can out produce all others and be the richest in the land. ?The first accomplice, his name Chase, will deal with all things paper money in the Kingdom. ?Sure, I will own all the money but I will make my subjects come to Chase to pay me and when they need money that shall come to Chase.? Whenever I need money I will demand that Chase print it rather than dealing with the hassle of taxing my subjects for additional money.??I also need someone to motivate them.

That someone is Revere. ?Revere is a real pied piper, he?will encourage my subjects by telling them they are free and give them the illusion that if the work ridiculously hard the can keep most?their money, besides what they have to give Chase of course. ?After all, how are they to have the things they need in the kingdom like horses and houses, they will need money from Chase. ?Revere needs to keep them motivated while they are productive, encouraging them to work long hours and wave the flag of our kingdom on the two weeks of vacation they will have a year.

Lastly, because everything belongs to me I will need to find a way to get back the belongings and capital of my subjects when they are older and no longer valuable to me. ?For this I will use my last accomplice, Lady Pharma. ?She is the ultimate deceiver in her white coat dress. ?She will tell the subjects as they are growing up that they do not need to take care of themselves, eat really cheap food like products so we can divert our kingdom’s money to our military, and if they ever have a trouble they can always take a pill to make it better. ?Her most successful pills will kill the subjects slowly so they do not notice their health deteriorating.??We will call these pills statins and recommend them to all even if they are healthy. ?These pills?will reduce cholesterol in the person causing them to loose there memory and enjoy being distracted by moving paintings on plastic screens.

As their memories get duller we will convince them that they need expensive medical treatments and care. ?For those who do not suffer from this fate we will convince them that the sun is bad and they should stay inside as not to bother anyone. ?The reduction in cholesterol in their skin from the pills?will reduce their vitamin D levels sufficiently so their immune system will keep them chronically ill and make them unable to fight cancer. ?We will give them cancer encouraging procedures like mamograms and CT scans. ?When we finally find a cancer we will convince them to undergo treatments that initially will kill the cancer but that cause additional cancers. ?This way, I as king, through all these treatments will capture all of the money these hard working subjects have socked away their entire life, and I will be the richest king in the land! ?I will not pass this title of nobility on to my progeny either, but rather let them control the companies that profit from these actions.


Why eating too much animal based saturated fat may increase our likelihood to becoming insulin resistance HERE.? This video concludes that saturated fat is the cause of diabetes.? The main fact that Dr. Greger makes is that the fact that meat consumption actually raises insulin levels more than sugars and grains found HERE. ? We do find that cells of those with type two diabetes are backed up with saturated fat.? The question being is the saturated fat, because of its presence cause the diabetes or is it our bodies impaired function and inability to process saturated fat causing this buildup, back up the cellular energy pathway to our entire system, and thus we see ourselves developing diabetes due to our cells lack of ability to then metabolize both fats and sugars.? What could possibly causing this metabolic dysfunction?? I would point to hydrogenated oils causing mitochondrial dysfunction in our sells via Brian Peskin’s theories detailed in the book PEO Solution.? Surely we should limit the amount of saturated fat we intake, and if we believe the summaries of research found below we should attempt to eliminate it all together. Before going to this extreme one must ask if it is not hydrogenated oils that have caused our inability to handle saturated fats as shown in the history of hydrogenated fats HERE.


Neal Barnard on saturated fat and diabetes.?? Dr. Greger’s summaries at Nutrtionfacts.org on the contrary links saturated fat intake as causing diabetes.? The conclusion?he has come to is that animal based saturated fat and bad cholesterol actually kills our pancreatic beta cells, cells which control our insulin function, and thus cause type two diabetes over time.? You can see this summary HERE.? To see all videos from nutritiontfacts.org on weight control and diabetes here.

If high carbohydrate consumption caused diabetes then half the world should have diabetes.? It is the animal based protein and cooking oils mixed with rice that has caused sharp increase in diabetes due to the amount animal products mixed with rice decrease insulin sensitivity seen HERE.? It is important not to speak in half truths and blame just the animal products or just the cooking oils without evidence.? There is very little wholesale evidence that points to animal products alone causing diabetes leaving the hydrogenated oils that have been introduced to these countries at the very same time animal proteins were introduced that are likely the smokeless cooking oil gun.

Sugar actually increases insulin sensitivity? Summary by Dr. McDougall HERE

Current medications for diabetes only control sugar but to not address the underlying cause of insulin resistance and allows the diabetes to progress and thus causing the condition to get worse over time.? There are logical steps to reducing diabetes as opposed to using medications to force your body to store sugar via insulin.? Here is a summary of how medications make diabetes worse and steps you can take to reduce diabetes naturally.

See all of Jason Fung’s videos HERE.

At the end of the day you have three healthy options if you are pre-diabetic or type two diabetic to reversing the condition? Stay away from carbohydrates all together in the hopes you will bring your bodies insulin sensitivity back.? If you take this route you should definitely be getting ample amounts of healthy omega 3 and omega 6 plant based oils.? If you choose to go plant based you need to avoid refined carbohydrates and high sugar fruits and juices.? The third option is to begin fasting, giving your body time to reset is insulin sensitivity and a break from the sugar onslaught.

With any of these methods you should consider using supplements to help ease your sugar uptake and thus reduce your insulin needed.? Fiber like glucomannan will mechanically slow the digestion and absorption of food and sugars.? Apple cider vinegar before meals is also shown to reduce sugar absorption.? Herbs like cinnamon and turmeric will increase your insulin sensitivity.?? Physical activity after meals is also very beneficial as it will burn the glucose instead of letting it sit in your bloodstream and cause damage.

Perhaps the best supplement for type two diabetes is Turmeric.? This study covered by nutritionfacts.org catalogs the effectiveness of curcumin HERE.


Glucomannan Fiber





Living well is the best revenge.

The human body knows how to fix itself, wants to fix itself, and the human body is always attempting to fix itself.? Let?s make sure we are giving our body what it needs to do what it has been designed to do and eliminate the toxins and environments that get in its way.

Our medical system is the absolute best when it comes to trauma and emergency situations, however, it is the absolute worst when it comes to treating chronic health conditions.? It is so bad that the FDA admits that over 100 thousand people die every year of properly prescribed medications (1) and most likely 200 to 400 thousand people die of medical mistakes a year (2).? To sum up the problem, it is our medical system that is the 3rd leading cause of death in our country (3). We in the United States spend more on health care than all of the other nations in the world combined!

1 http://yournewswire.com/100000-deaths-per-year-in-the-u-s-caused-by-prescription-drugs/

2 https://www.propublica.org/article/how-many-die-from-medical-mistakes-in-us-hospitals

3 http://www.health-care-reform.net/causedeath.htm

With that said one must be willing to take their health into their own hands with healthy food and supplements and avoid standard medical treatment and prescription drugs to treat chronic diseases at all costs.

A great example of why we should be skeptical of chemical pharmaceuticals is because no modern medications for chronic diseases heal a person. The just mask symptoms, turn off receptor sites or inhibit your body?s production of natural substances.? As an example high blood pressure is an adaptation of your body to push more blood through arteries that have become smaller or fail to dilate due to an inflammatory or nutritional issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GizDuANT9BE High blood pressure is the body compensating and trying to get more blood and oxygen to an area with restricted flow. Instead of asking why, our medical system prescribes a medication that reduces the blood pressure instead of trying to find out why your body is signaling for higher blood pressure or your vessels are not dilating or are restricted due to damage or hydrogenated oil inflexibility.

Reasons to avoid all prescription or over the counter chemical drugs are shown here in Pill Nation.


Medical Myths By Dr. Glidden


Tylenol type drugs are among the top 10 killers in our nation today!


Unfortunately just eating fruits and vegetables for the rest of your life is not the answer either as you can explore Dr. Greger?s analysis of why a seeming quite healthy 40 year old vegan lifestyle advocate just recently died of a heart attack, and hints toward the importance of healthy oils needed for our diet and exposes the myths that saturated fats and cholesterol being the culprits.


Dr. Mercola explains the saturated fat myth and explains the benefits of coconut oil.


The movie Fat Head fully explains how the modern war against saturated fat and cholesterol came about with Ansel Key?s Lipid Hypothesis.


KEY Elements you need to have a healthy life.

Dr. Joel Wallach. Why supplementation is required.? Why all farmers give their livestock supplements.


  1. Parent Essential Oils Omega 6 and Omega 3 Fatty Acids:



Why not fish oils?

Summary of Fish oil studies by Nutritionfacts.org siding against fish oil.


Brian Peskin on why you should not take Fish Oil.


Good Omega 6 Fats, Why does a hand full of nuts every day reduce your risk of sudden heart attack death by at least one third?


Walnuts, improved arterial function is due to the healthy omega 6 fats.





Hemp Seed oil

Hemp seed oil contains the highest concentration of Essential Fatty acids and the closest ratio needed for skin regeneration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szIUeYWRFN8

This oil is the cheapest way to get it and just requires a teaspoon or a squirt in your mouth. Also makes a great oil base for salad dressings and is far healthier than olive oil.


or in easy to take pill form


Udos Oil Blend- An easy way to get a balance of heathy essential oils that is balanced and clinically tested.



Organic Flax Oil

How effective is flax oil and the essential omega 3 fats? Dr. Budwig cured cancer with a mixture of flax seed oil and cottage cheese!



  1. Essential Vitamins and Minerals:


America?s Mineral Deficiency



Whole food based multivitamin.

You cannot digest rocks or elemental minerals. In fact doing so may worsen a vitamin deficiency as the elemental mineral may require your body?s energy to expel rather than being absorbed.


Iodine, Thyroid support and helps remove chlorine and bromine from the body.

Just a two drops in the morning is all your body needs and will help chelate the bad chlorine and bromine that attaches to you thyroid and cause dysfunction.


Nascent Iodine

Dr. Group on Iodine



Vitamin C

Without vitamin C your body cannot build collagen which is required for all soft tissues. A vitamin C deficiency may cause acute scurvy which may be one of the modern causes of arterial sclerosis and heart disease. We do not get plaque forming on our arteries until we have unrepaired damage to them.? Vitamin C is also the body?s primary antioxidant.? Proper vitamin C levels protect us from varicose veins.

Appropriate levels of Vitamin C by Suzanne Humphries

Vitamin C acts as our master antioxidant and electron donor and as an antihistamine reducing allergic and allergen reactions.



Cruciferous Vegetable, Removes Zeno Estrogens that make up modern day pesticides and plastics and helps with liver detox.


  1. Healthy Probiotics and Gut Health


There are more bacteria in your body than there are cells in your body, many which create nutrients for you and make nutrients absorbable to you. It is believed that gut bacteria itself is able to signal you nerves and create food cravings.? Bad bacteria will create cravings for sugar or fats.? Good bacteria will create cravings for healthier foods.



Nutritionfacts.org on probiotics






Wide Spectrum Probiotic




All cooked/pasteurized food is devoid of enzymes, support your pancreas.


Detox Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut and Candida. If you eat refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, or consume alcohol you likely have some candida overgrowth and leaky gut.? These symptoms and look and feel a lot like chronic fatigue.

Candida and Leaky Gut with Christa Orecchio


Candida Test- Make sure you do not eat dairy the day before.


Control your Candida with Nutribiotic Defense


Cardiovascular/Heart Health:


How big pharma gained control of your cardiovascular heath via the slave camps at Auschwitz


Calcium supplementation doubles the risk of heart disease.



Plant based Vitamin C Complex

Do not control cholesterol which is a repair mechanism of your body to repair damaged arteries by transporting lipoprotein (a) . Prevent the damage from occurring altogether by keeping your cells healthy with good plant based oils and make sure your cells have adequate vitamin C that creates the collagen that holds your arteries together!? Heart disease is almost unknown in the animal kingdom since most animals produce their own vitamin C; humans do not.

Breakthrough information on the link between Vitamin C deficiency and heart disease.


Unified Theory of Cardiovascular Disease scientifically explained and proved.


Linus Pauling?s research on Vitamin C



CoQ10 Ubiquinol




L-Carnitine, A nutrient transporter for your heart.


L-Lysine,?? Inhibits function of Lipoprotein (a), the plaque building molecule in your body.



Cyruta Plus




Fat reduction and production of NO- Nutrionfacts.org


Dr. Mercola on L-Arginine


Production of NO, which removes arterial wall plaque and reduces atherosclerosis.




Beet Root NO complex, Natural Arginine and N0 Production


History of Niacin



Aged Garlic:

From the book ?Your Blood Never Lies?, by James B Lavalle.



Immune System Building:


Proper levels of D vitamin reduce probability of cancer by 70%


Nutritionfacts.org top substances that increase immunity while fighting inflammation.


Lecture on immune system from Dr. Tent.



Vitamin D3


Essiac, Blood Purifier and Detoxifier. It is so strong it can treat some cancers.



Astragalus, Immune system builder


Immune complex


L-Lysine,?? Anti-Viral


Reshi Mushrooms, T Cell Booster


Cordycep Mushrooms


Treating Acute Colds:


Do not treat a fever or reduce it. It is a healthy immune response your body is using to manage the invasion.? T cells are more active at high temperatures and pathogen reproduction is suppressed at high temperatures.




Liposomal Vitamin C Liquid




Plant based Vitamin C Complex


Manuka Honey







Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM


Turmeric Curcumin

From Nutritionfacts.org



Garlic and Ginger

Nutrionfacts.org on garlic


Dr. Axe- Reduce pain, inflammation, and intestinal issues with ginger






David Sinclair from TEDmed on Resveratrol



Glutathione Precursor

Glutathione is our body?s master antioxidant.

Dr. Hyman on Glutathione





Pre-meal/ Weight loss:

Obesity is a disease of deficiency not a disease of excess. You will always be hungry if you are not getting the appropriate vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fatty acids.? 90 essential

How do you fatten cattle? Whole grains and corn feed.


Dr. Hyman. Why modern milk is a problem.


Intermittent Fasting and Exercise on Dr. Mercola


Sugar, The Bitter Truth

Low fat processed food tasted terrible so companies added salt, neurotoxins and ample amounts of sugar to make it palatable.




Dr. Mark Hyman on Glucomannan


Oil Absorbing Glucomannan Luralean



Garcina Cambogia

Dr. Oz on Garcina Cambogia



Apple Cider Vinegar

Nutrition Facts.org on Apple Cider Vinegar





Green Tea Extract





Reduce sugar cravings and help control blood sugar.


http://www.vitacost.com/source-naturals-chromium-picolinate-200-mcg-120-tablets Mood and Mental Health:










History of Niacin


How to do a niacin detox





Oral Health:


Why you should never get a root canal

Dr. Mercola






Fluoride Free toothpaste


Silver Mercury Fillings, Mercury toxin prevention- Chlorella




Cruciferous Vegetables

Dr. Meschino





Mercury Fillings, toxin prevention- Chlorella


Detox/Anti-inflammatory Bath:

Epsom Salt


Powdered Vitamin C





Leaky Gut and Candida. If you eat refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, or consume alcohol you likely have some candida overgrowth and leaky gut.? These symptoms and look and feel a lot like chronic fatigue.

Candida and Leaky Gut with Christa Orecchio


Candida Test- Make sure you do not eat dairy the day before.



Aged Garlic


Full Spectrum Herbal Candida Cleanse


Control your Candida with Nutribiotic Defense


Oil of Oregano



Acceptable cooking oils

Cooking oils- Coconut

Coconut oil is the oil known for being a healthy saturated fat which is great for brain function, skin, and promoting the feeling of satiation. It is also great antiviral and antifungal which makes it perfect for treating dry skin or applying after a shave.? The oily feeling goes away in minutes as the oil gets absorbed into your skin.


Easy to use or apply liquid coconut oil. This oil has a higher MCT medium chain triglyceride content making it great for kick starting ketosis.


Cooking oils- Organic Olive Oil


Himalayan Salt, Get your 84 minerals and enjoy your salt.



Braggs organic seasoning


Braggs liquid aminos


Why you should question vaccinations:

Dr. Tent





Correcting Eyesight with the Bates method:

Dr. Mercola summarizes the bates method to improve eyesight


Core Sites and Channels for information:

Brian Peskin- Importance of essential Omega 3 and Omega 6 Oils


Dr. Tent Diverse Health Services. Specializes in treating acute chronic disease.


Dr. John Bergman- Arthritis, nerve, and joint health


Dr. Glidden


Dr. Greger- NutritionFacts.org Summarizer of Medical Studies with a focus on Plant based foods.


Dr. Mercola- Vitamin D and immune system advocate


Dr. David Clark- Thyroid and Autoimmune Conditions


Dr. Barry Sears


Dr. Robert Morse


Dr. Hyman- Break your Sugar Addiction


Dr. Lonnie Herman


Dr. Meschino


FDA Disclaimer *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.? These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. *Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Prior to using these products, do you own research and consult your physician. DO NOT assume that just because you purchased similar supplements in the past, they will have the same effect. DO NOT experiment with dosages. Take only as directed under the supervision of a Physician. Healthforournation.com assumes no responsibility for the improper use of and self-diagnosis and/or treatment using these products.? Healthforournation.com should not be confused with prescription medicine. Healthforournaton.com should not be used as a substitute for medically supervised therapy. If you suspect you suffer from clinical deficiencies, consult a licensed, qualified medical doctor. It is important that you understand why no claims can be made about the products you order from healthforournation.com and we cannot suggest the use of any product that will effect a cure or affect a symptom/ailment. Before starting a dietary supplement, it’s always wise to check with a medical doctor. It is especially important for people who are: pregnant or breast feeding, chronically ill, elderly, under 18, taking prescription or over-the-counter medicines. Certain supplements can boost blood levels of certain drugs to dangerous levels. None of the products or information available to the public are intended to be a treatment protocol for any disease state, but rather are offered to provide information and choices regarding nutritional support for various health concerns. None of the information is intended to be an enticement to purchase and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on its content; regardless of the perceived scientific merit, instead readers should consult health care professionals on any matter related to their health. The information obtained from referenced materials are believed to be accurate, as presented by their respective authors, but healthforournation.com assumes no liability for any personal interpretation. Readers, previous and future customers who fail to consult their Physicians prior to the purchase and subsequent use of any product, assume the risk of any adverse effects. The use of any nutritional supplement for any reason, other than to increase dietary intake levels of specific nutrients, is neither, implied nor advocated by Healthforournation.com. All nutritional products are concentrated nutrients typically found in a well-designed dietary profile and as such provide the body with recognized essential nutrients and other nutritional elements believed to benefit tissue building/repair and metabolic function. Caution: Some of the herbal products contain phytochemicals that are not ordinarily found in typical food sources and may produce a powerful physiologic effect, therefore indiscriminant use of any herbal product is not recommended except under the direction of a trained health care professional. In addition to the phytochemical effect, there may be drug interactions that may produce reactions or interfere with the efficacy of prescription medication. For any suspected or known illness or health concern, always consult with your physician or health care provider prior to the purchase or use of any nutritional product. Healthforournation.com have attempted to present information from the literature, books and other references as well as information about our products as accurately as possible, but you should be aware that the Food and Drug Administration has not approved or evaluated all of the information contained in the literature or on this site. Any literature reference or direct link to a specific product is for your information or convenience and may not be construed as an enticement to purchase and further is not intended or implied to be used in the mitigation, diagnoses, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease.

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Why natural vitamin C complex essential?

  1. ?We do not make our own vitamin C unlike most mammals.
  2. ? Vitamin C is vital in producing collagen, an essential compound for all of our soft tissues.
  3. ? Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine and should be taken during or to prevent mild allergic reactions, especially those of the skin as it supports the skin through collagen production.
  4. ? Vitamin C is our master antioxidant.? In one study vitamin C was able to neutralize the negative effects of ingesting large amounts of processed salt.? Normally this salt would greatly impair artery function.? However, when vitamin C was present it negated these effects and allowed arteries to function in a healthy manner.
  5. Vitamin C fights colds and is essential for healthy immune function.? Their are two known pathways that vitamin C is able to fight colds.? The first of these is its acidic effect that it produces in our body which inhibits the pathogens ability to replicate.? Secondly, as an antioxidant it neutralizes the toxins produced by the pathogen.? Typically infections in our body produce toxins in our body to inhibit and confuse our immune system.? Vitamin C neutralizes these toxins.? However, only vitamin C complex or natural vitamin C has this capability.
  6. ? Vitamin C answers a very tough question that confuses many with regards to heart disease and heart attacks.? One must ask, why are most of us walking around with large amounts of plague in our arteries but still healthy, while some marathon runners who are extremely healthy with little plaque in their arteries are dropping dead from a heart attack?? The answer lies in the first stage of arterial sclerosis where the arteries become damaged by blood pressure and blood viscosity stress.? Dr Walach discovered that copper, specifically the enzyme tyrosonase, is vital increasing healthy arterial wall structure.? He was called to a turkey farm where he discovered that many turkeys were dying of heart attack.? After copper supplementation no turkeys the next year died of heart attack.? As it turns out this tyrosinase is integral in the formation of healthy arterial walls.? Without it the artery does not form a strong flexible structure but rather a material that is much like a cheap garbage bag that splits down the side.? Arteries that form with the correct amount of tyrosinase resemble more of a woven trampoline surface, extremely durable and flexible and rarely require repair.? So why the heart attack deaths in the seemingly healthy marathon runners with little plaque in there arteries.? It is likely that those marathon runners who suffer from heart attack are not only vitamin C deficient, but they also ingest proteins like or similar to lysine.? Lysine binds to the lipo a proteins that normally form cholesterol plaques in the arteries, their function being to solidify and protect the damaged area until it can be repaired by a synergy between this collagen and adequate tyrosinase.? Lacking this plague function due to lack of adequate C complex and the cholesterol repair mechanism blocked, the marathoner falls dead with all of us wondering how.

15 Ways Vitamin C benefits you.